Baby First Aid Course at Home

For Grandparents, Parents and Carers

Learning baby first aid is vital to keep your children safe. It’s something I hope you’ll never have to use, but I can’t stress how important it is to know what to do in the event of an emergency.

This course is ideal for mums, dads, parents-to-be, grandparents, carers and babysitters – so you can be confident everyone knows what to do if your baby needs help.



The Best Baby First Aid Course

There are a range of first aid courses for babies and children that you can learn in person. The best first aid courses cover the following:

CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation): Techniques for babies, children, and adults.

Choking: Procedures for all ages.

Recovery Position: Instructions for everyone.

Burns and Scalds: Immediate treatment steps.

Insect Bites & Stings: Management and care.

Severe Allergic Reactions & Anaphylaxis: Emergency response.

Meningitis: Recognition and initial steps.

Raised Temperatures & Fevers: Handling and reducing risks.

Febrile Convulsions: Management and care.

Bleeding: Control and treatment.

Bumps & Head Injuries: Appropriate response.

Poisoning: Emergency actions.

Plus many other essential skills that could save a child’s life.

All of these are taught by me, a Fully Qualified Instructor, and cover everything you need to know with plenty of resources and demonstrations.

How to Learn Baby First Aid at Home

Over the last 15+ years, I’ve taught countless parents, grandparents, carers, and babysitters how to do first aid on young children. One of the most important things I realised early on is that learning at home is crucial.

I understand that not everyone wants a strict ‘classroom’ environment, especially with babies and small children. We’re more comfortable at home, and it makes it easier to learn in a familiar environment.

Your schedule is often hectic, especially when you have young children to take care of, so I save you the hassle by bringing the course to you.
You won’t be missing out on quality either, I always bring at least 9 manakins to learn with, plenty for you and your family. Speaking of which…


Group Baby First Aid Courses


Everybody learns better in groups, especially a practical topic like first aid.

I specialise in group first aid training, so you can learn alongside your family, friends, babysitters, and anyone else you trust to take care of your children. Providing home classes enables me to be flexible to your needs.

You choose the time to suit your family, rather than a set time when I hold courses in a location that can be tricky to get to. They can be in the morning, afternoon, or evening all in the comfort of your living room.

Don’t worry, I won’t set up a presentation and ask you to sit quietly for 3 hours. My course mostly consists of practical activities, using the manikins to simulate the exact scenarios we discuss. Everything you learn will be backed up with the latest statistics and research, and each household will be given lots of useful handouts and a 72-page full colour Paediatric First aid Book, worth £7.99 (per household) – There’s no need to write notes!

Learning alongside family doesn’t just make the course more memorable, it makes it enjoyable too! Baby first aid may be a serious topic, and I never make light of it, but my courses are still bonding experiences that are a lot of fun.


Why Choose Bumps and Bashes?


I have been providing baby first aid courses for over 15 years now, and only teach the best methods. Like any subject, the best techniques aren’t what was recommended a decade ago, but some first aid course providers are still teaching them. My course only contains the most effective methods, all taught by a fully qualified and certified instructor.

When it comes to first aid, there is always more to learn. I’m constantly expanding my knowledge so I can incorporate better resources and methods into my courses, ensuring they will always cover everything in the best ways possible.

I also enjoying getting to know you and your family before, during, and after the course. Your time is precious which is why you can choose from morning, afternoon, or evening sessions that fit your busy schedule.

Don’t leave safety to chance. Sign up for a Bumps and Bashes first aid class today and gain the essential skills needed to protect your loved ones. Remember, in an emergency, every second counts, and knowing what to do can make all the difference. Act now and empower yourself with life-saving knowledge.

To enquire about a private children and baby first aid course in you area area, fill out the form below:


There are 3 ways you can learn life-saving skills.

Book A Course

I run Children & Baby First Aid courses for Parents in and around Cheshire, including Sale, Altrincham, Lymm etc. All are welcome to attend.

Private course

I can travel to your home in Cheshire (& surrounding areas) at a convenient time for you, and you can invite, friends, family or grandparents to attend.

Online learning

Learn in the convenience of your own home online, at a time to suit you.